A custom line cap to be drawn at the end of stroked line segments.

This class is sealed. It cannot be derived from.

Method Description
CustomLineCap GraphicsPath constructor.
Dispose Disposing this object does nothing. The interface is present simply for compatibility with System.Drawing code.
Property Description
AspectRatio The default aspect ratio for the cap. By changing this number you can change the shape of the cap. The aspect ratio is width:height where width is measured along the line. So by setting this property to 4:3 you increase the width of the end cap while keeping the height the same.
BaseCap The base line cap for this custom cap.
BaseInset The amount by which the line should be truncated to allow the line cap to be placed without interference. For example if you are using a triangular line cap you do not want the line to go all the way to the end point because the square line end will overlay the pointed end of the triangle. In this case you need to inset the line by a certain amount. The measurement units here are related to the size of the cap before scaling. So they will be adjusted by the line width, by the WidthScale and by the AspectRatio .
FillPath The filling path defining the end cap of each line. This may be null if no filling is to take place. The fill color is set to the same as the stroke color.
MiterLimit The miter limit for mitered line joins in the end cap. If this value is null then the current miter limit will be used.
StrokeJoin The stroke join for stroked lines in the end cap. If this value is null then the current join style will be used.
StrokePath The stroking path defining the end cap of each line. This may be null if no stroking is to take place.
WidthScale The default scale for the cap. By increasing this number you can increase the size of the cap.
