Type Default Read Only Description

[Visual Basic]
The dimensions of the current frame. No The current selection rectangle.




You may wish to add only a portion of an image. By changing the selection rectangle you can specify different areas to be added.

Note that this property only has an effect on an Image if the Indirect property is true (which is generally the case).



Here we open a TIFF file using the XImage object. We add the entire image to the document and then just a portion of the image using the Selection property.


XImage theImg = new XImage(); Doc doc = new Doc(); theImg.SetFile(Server.MapPath("../mypics/mypic.jpg")); doc.Rect.String = theImg.Selection.String; doc.Rect.Magnify(0.5, 0.5); doc.Rect.Position(100, 30); doc.AddImageObject(theImg, false); theImg.Selection.Inset(100, 200); doc.Rect.String = theImg.Selection.String; doc.Rect.Position(170, 400); doc.AddImageObject(theImg, false); theImg.Clear(); doc.Save(Server.MapPath("imageselect.pdf")); doc.Clear();
