Type Default Read Only Description

[Visual Basic]
0.0 No The inter-paragraph spacing.




Allows you to adjust the distance between paragraphs.

At the start of every new paragraph the text drawing position is shifted vertically by the distance specified in this property. If the value is positive this will space the paragraphs out. If the value is negative it will shift the paragraphs together.




In this example we add two blocks of text to a document. The first block uses the default paragraph spacing. The second block uses a positive value to space out the paragraphs.


using (Doc doc = new Doc()) {   string theText = "Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.";   theText = theText + "\r\n" + theText + "\r\n" + theText + "\r\n" + theText;   doc.Rect.Inset(20, 40);   doc.TextStyle.Size = 16;   doc.AddText(theText);   doc.Rect.Move(0, -350);   doc.TextStyle.ParaSpacing = 20;   doc.AddText(theText);   doc.Save(Server.MapPath("stylepspace.pdf")); }
