Imports a portion of an XPS document.




void Import(Doc doc, string path)

[Visual Basic]
Sub Import(doc As Doc, path As String)

Throws Exceptions may throw Exception()



Name Description
doc The target PDF document.
path The file path to the XPS document.




Imports an XPS or OXPS Document. By default, the entire XPS document is imported.

An exception will be thrown if the operation is not possible. This may happen if the XPS document is corrupt.

You may notice that colors in the PDF files are slightly different. PDF handles alpha blending differently from other file formats. Refer to SwfImportOperation.Import for notes about alpha blending.

  1. This method generates events as follows:
  2. After the StartPart FixedDocumentSequence is opened, a ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.Document is generated.
    Name Description
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel See ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocNumber below.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Handled Ignored.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.SourceType ProcessingSourceType.Document
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocCount The number of FixedDocument's in the FixedDocumentSequence.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocNumber The one-based document number of the FixedDocument to be processed. The value of this property for the first of such events for each FixedDocumentSequence is one unless DocCount is zero. Subsequent value is the value returned by the event handler for the previous such event plus one if the new value is between 1 and DocCount inclusively. Otherwise, it is null. The event handler may change this value between 1 and DocCount inclusively. Set it to null to end the processing of all FixedDocument's in the FixedDocumentSequence. If it is null, the corresponding ProcessedObject event is not generated. Otherwise, if ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel is set to true, the corresponding ProcessedObject event is not generated, and the same event is immediately generated again with this value incremented subject to mentioned bounds.
  3. After a previous ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.Document returns a proper DocNumber and the FixedDocument is opened, a ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.Page is generated.
    Name Description
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel See ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageNumber below.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Handled Ignored.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.SourceType ProcessingSourceType.Page
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocCount The number of FixedDocument's in the FixedDocumentSequence.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocNumber The document number of the FixedDocument being processed.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageCount The number of FixedPage's in the FixedDocument.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageNumber The one-based page number of the FixedPage to be processed. The value of this property for the first of such events for each FixedDocument is one unless PageCount is zero. Subsequent value is the value returned by the event handler for the previous such event plus one if the new value is between 1 and PageCount inclusively. Otherwise, it is null. The event handler may change this value between 1 and PageCount inclusively. Set it to null to end the processing of all FixedPage's in the FixedDocument. If it is null, the corresponding ProcessedObject event is not generated. Otherwise, if ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel is set to true, the corresponding ProcessedObject event is not generated, and the same event is immediately generated again with this value incremented subject to mentioned bounds.
  4. After a previous ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.Page returns a proper PageNumber and the FixedPage is opened, a ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.PageContent is generated.
    Name Description
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel If this property is set to true, the page content is not rendered and the corresponding ProcessedObject event is not generated.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Handled The value of this property is false when the event is generated. If it is false when the handler returns, a new page will be created in the target PDF document. The media box, crop box, and art box of the new page are set according to the information in the FixedPage, and the page content is rendered on to the entire page. Set this value to true to render the page content on to Doc.Rect of the current page using Doc.Transform.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.SourceType ProcessingSourceType.PageContent
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocCount The number of FixedDocument's in the FixedDocumentSequence.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocNumber The document number of the FixedDocument being processed.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageCount The number of FixedPage's in the FixedDocument.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageNumber The page number of the FixedPage being processed.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Width The width of the FixedPage (as specified on the FixedPage element, not the one on the PageContent element) in 1/96 inches.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Height The height of the FixedPage (as specified on the FixedPage element, not the one on the PageContent element) in 1/96 inches.
  5. While processing page content, a ProcessingObject event of ProcessingSourceType.Image is generated when an image is imported.
    Name Description
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Cancel Ignored.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Handled Ignored.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.SourceType ProcessingSourceType.Image
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocCount The number of FixedDocument's in the FixedDocumentSequence.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.DocNumber The document number of the FixedDocument being processed.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageCount The number of FixedPage's in the FixedDocument.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.PageNumber The page number of the FixedPage being processed.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Width The pixel width of the image.
    ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.Height The pixel height of the image.

Unless stated otherwise, a ProcessedObject event corresponding to each ProcessingObject event is generated with an object as follows:

ProcessingObjectEventArgs.Info.SourceType ProcessedObjectEventArgs.Object when successful
ProcessingSourceType.Document null
ProcessingSourceType.Page GraphicLayer
ProcessingSourceType.PageContent null
ProcessingSourceType.Image PixMap

Imported images are not compressed. You may wish to analyse and compress these PixMap objects by pre and post processing them during the ProcessingObject and ProcessedObject events.




Here we import the pages with odd page numbers of an XPS document up to page 8, 2 pages per sheet in landscape. The aspect ratio is preserved and a border is also drawn.


using (Doc doc = new Doc()) {   MyImportOperation importOp = new MyImportOperation(doc);   importOp.Import(Server.MapPath("mypics/AdvancedGraphicsExamples.xps"));   doc.Save(Server.MapPath("xps.pdf")); }


class MyImportOperation {   private Doc _doc = null;   private double _margin = 10;   private int _pagesAdded = 0;   public MyImportOperation(Doc doc) {     _doc = doc;     _doc.Transform.Rotate(90, _doc.MediaBox.Left, _doc.MediaBox.Bottom);     _doc.Transform.Translate(_doc.MediaBox.Width, 0);     int theID = _doc.GetInfoInt(_doc.Root, "Pages");     _doc.SetInfo(theID, "/Rotate", "90");   }   public void Import(string inPath) {     using (XpsImportOperation op = new XpsImportOperation()) {       op.ProcessingObject += Processing;       op.ProcessedObject += Processed;       op.Import(_doc, inPath);     }   }   public void Processing(object sender, ProcessingObjectEventArgs e) {     if (e.Info.SourceType == ProcessingSourceType.Page && e.Info.PageNumber != null) {       if ((e.Info.PageNumber % 2) == 0)         e.Info.PageNumber++;       if (e.Info.PageNumber >= 8)         e.Info.PageNumber = null;       e.Tag = e.Info.PageNumber;     }     else if (e.Info.SourceType == ProcessingSourceType.PageContent) {       if ((_pagesAdded % 2) == 0)         _doc.Page = _doc.AddPage();       double width = _doc.MediaBox.Height;       double height = _doc.MediaBox.Width;       double scale = Math.Min((width - 4 * _margin) / (2 * e.Info.Width.Value),         (height - 2 * _margin) / e.Info.Height.Value);       double rectWidth = scale * e.Info.Width.Value;       double rectHeight = scale * e.Info.Height.Value;       double distanceX = (width - 2 * rectWidth) / 3;       double distanceY = (height - rectHeight) / 2;       _doc.Rect.SetRect(distanceX + (_pagesAdded % 2) * (distanceX + rectWidth),         distanceY, rectWidth, rectHeight);       e.Info.Handled = true;       _pagesAdded++;     }   }   public void Processed(object sender, ProcessedObjectEventArgs e) {     if (e.Successful) {       PixMap pixmap = e.Object as PixMap;       if (pixmap != null)         pixmap.Compress();       GraphicLayer graphic = e.Object as GraphicLayer;       if (graphic != null) {         _doc.FrameRect();         int pageNumber = (int)e.Tag;         _doc.FontSize = 16;         _doc.TextStyle.HPos = 0.5;         _doc.Rect.Top = _doc.Rect.Bottom - _margin;         _doc.Rect.Bottom = _doc.MediaBox.Bottom;         _doc.AddText(string.Format("Page {0}", pageNumber));       }     }   } }