Object to extract content stream arrays from one or more pages and related objects.



ContentStreamOperation Contents constructor.
AddPages Add and scan a set of layers from one particular page in the document.
AddContentStream Add and scan one particular layer or content stream.
GetPositionAndLength Gets the position and length of an operator and the parameters that it takes.
GetStreamAndOffset Finds the location of an operator in a set of streams.
Seen Determines if the object provided has previously been processed by this operation.


IncludeOffsets Whether or not to store information about the offsets of each of the Atoms in the stream.
ArrayAtoms The content streams for the items that have been found.
AnnotationAPs Gets the set of content streams associated with Annotations.
ArrayAtoms The content streams for the items that have been found.
ExternalizeImages Whether to externalize inline images before processing content streams.
IncludeAnnotations Whether to include annotation and field appearances in the output.
IncludeFormXObjects Whether to include Form XObjects in the output.
IncludePatterns Whether to include Patterns in the output.
Log A log of any errors or inconsistencies found during processing.
Preflight Whether to preflight the document to ensure that any dynamic content has been frozen in place.
UpdateAnnotationAppearances Whether to attempt to update annotation appearance streams if they are missing.