The information on this page relates to an old version of ABCpdf.
Click here for information about the latest version of ABCpdf .NET.
ABCpdf now supports HTML and HTML styled text. Import HTML from local or remote web sites. HTML styled text allows easy creation and layout of multi-styled text; supporting text box chaining to allow you to easily and automatically flow text through from one area to another.
ABCpdf now supports Unicode and foreign languages. Reference fonts from the relevant foreign language pack or embed Unicode fonts for guaranteed fidelity of reproduction on any platform. Draw text horizontally or vertically and quickly subset large CJK fonts with minimal use of memory and impact on server load. See AddFont for details.
ABCpdf now allows insertion of pages from other document for seamless joining, insertion and stitching of multiple documents into one. See AddImage and Append for details.
ABCpdf now supports PDF encryption for secure storage of PDF documents. You can apply user permissions and secure these permissions with encryption keys from 40 to 128 bits in size. See Encryption for details.
ABCpdf now supports Fields and Forms. Use placeholder fields in your template documents to position and lay out dynamically created elements.
ABCpdf now supports RGB, CMYK and Grayscale colors. This means you can produce high-quality print-friendly PDFs directly from your application.
ABCpdf now supports CCITT G4 compression for exceptionally high compression ratios on black and white images such as faxes or scans. It also supports EMF and WMF vector import.
ABCpdf is now even easier to use. We've made some subtle modifications to the behavior of a number of objects including the XRect object so that they work in line with the way that you expect rather than the way that PDF prescribes. We've also added a new AddGrid method to allow you to position objects more easily during development.
ABCpdf supports synthesized bold and italic typeface styles for situations in which you do not want to reference multiple typefaces.
ABCpdf is now fully floating point for precise positioning of text, line and other objects at a fractional point level.
ABCpdf now allows even more advanced control over any PDF object in your document. If you cannot see how to accomplish a task using our simple to use methods then you can always access the raw PDF structure directly. For details see the Core Objects, Specific Objects and Object Paths sections of the documentation.
What's New in Other Versions
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 13
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 12
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 11
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 10
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 9
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 8
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 7
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 6
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 5
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 4
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 3
- What's New in ABCpdf Version 2