A graphics context providing drawing methods.

A graphics context wraps a Bitmap. The Bitmap is the surface on which drawing takes place - the paper so to speak. The Graphics provides the methods which allow drawing - the drawing tools so to speak.


This class is sealed. It cannot be derived from.

Method Description
Clear Clears the drawing area and sets it to a particular color. If the color provided is transparent then no color will be assigned to the background. The Backdrop property provides a more efficient way of achieving a similar goal.
Dispose Release any resources that are held by this object.
DrawArc Draws an arc representing a segment of an ellipse.
DrawBezier Draws a Bezier spline specified using four ordered pairs of coordinates that represent points.
DrawClosedCurve Draw a closed spline curve.
DrawCurve Draw a spline curve.
DrawEllipse Draws an ellipse specified using a bounding rectangle.
DrawImage Draws an Image at a location and with a particular size. If no size is supplied the original physical size will be used.
DrawLine Draws a line between two points.
DrawPath Draws a GraphicsPath.
DrawPie Draws a pie shape specified using an ellipse specified by a coordinate pair, a width, a height, and two radial lines.
DrawPolygon Draws a polygon specified using an array of points.
DrawRectangle Draws a rectangle.
DrawString Draws a string of text.
FillClosedCurve Fills the inside of a closed spline curve.
FillEllipse Fills the inside of an ellipse. The ellipse size and position is specified using a bounding rectangle.
FillPath Fills the inside of a GraphicsPath.
FillPie Fills the inside of a pie section. The section is specified using an ellipse bounded by a rectangle and two radial lines representing the start and end positions.
FillPolygon Fills the inside of a polygon with vertices specified using an array of points.
FillRectangle Fills the inside of a rectangle.
FillRegion Fills the inside of a region.
FillRoundRectangle Fills the inside of a rectangle with rounded corners.
Flush Flush the current set of drawing commands to the device surface.
S» FromImage Creates a new Graphics object wrapping the supplied image.
IntersectClip Set the clip region to the intersection of the current clip region and a supplied rectangle.
MeasureCharacterRanges Measure character ranges in a string.
MeasureString Works out the size a string of text, if drawn using a particular Font and settings.
MultiplyTransform Multiplies the transform.
ResetClip Clear the clip region.
ResetTransform Resets the transform to the identity.
RotateTransform Rotates the transform.
ScaleTransform Scales the transform.
TranslateClip Translates the device clip region.
TranslateTransform Translates the transform.
Property Description
Clip Gets or sets the clipping region.
ClipBounds A rectangle which bounds the current clipping region. So if, for example, the region is infinite then the rectangle could be very large.
DpiX The horizontal resolution in dots per inch (DPI).
DpiY The vertical resolution in dots per inch (DPI).
InterpolationMode The current interpolation mode.
IsClipEmpty If the clipping region is empty.
IsVisibleClipEmpty If the clipping region, clipped to the image bounds, is empty.
PageScale The scale to use when specifying drawing measurements.
PageUnit The unit to use when specifying drawing measurements.
Transform The current world space transform.
VisibleClipBounds A rectangle which bounds the current clipping region, clipped to the image bounds. So if, for example, the clip region is infinite then the rectangle will only be as large as the bounds of the image.
