ABCpdf.Drawing Example Project
This is a project designed to parallel the System.Drawing
For example, a System.Drawing.Pen will map to a
WebSupergoo.ABCpdf13.Drawing.Pen and a System.Drawing.Bitmap will
map to a WebSupergoo.ABCpdf13.Drawing.Bitmap.
Because the APIs and class structure are very similar, it is
easy to port System.Drawing code over to produce ABCpdf documents
rather than System.Drawing images.
In addition there are some ABCpdf extensions to allow support
for advanced PDF oriented features like CMYK color spaces.
For more details see the project or the System.Drawing Example section in this
ABCpdfView Example Project
This shows how to display and print PDF documents from a Windows
Forms application.
It provides features such as viewing at different sizes and
resolutions. It allows you to print documents that you are viewing.
It presents a simple way of editing items in a PDF document.
Probably the core value of this project is in the printing code.
This shows how to use ABCpdf in conjunction with the .NET printing
APIs to send a PDF document to a printer.
There are a variety of approaches you can use for printing. For
example you can export to XPS and then send that document direct to
the spooler. However we have found that, as of 2019, the EMF based
print process is still the most reliable method. XPS is a more
sophisticated approach but relies on current hardware and
up-to-date software which may not be available on all systems.
The PDF editing capabilities are interesting in that they show
how you can edit items within a PDF document. However they are
relatively unsophisticated and should be regarded as a base rather
than code you can use directly in your projects.
AccessiblePDF Example Project
This project demonstrates how to tag a PDF and make it
accessible. The methods used are based around Section 508
compliance and the PDF/UA standard.
The basis of this project is the use of the
AccessibilityOperation and the MakeAccessible method. You can
read more about these and the types of information that is added,
under the documentation for those methods.
However a one function method can only ever achieve so much in
the context of complicated and semantically ambiguous documents.
For example the reading order of any complex document is likely to
vary between people - there is no absolutely correct answer. ABCpdf
will come up with a reasonable method but it may not be the one you
The AccessiblePDF project shows how to use knowledge of your
documents to take the base data and enhance it. It shows how to
detect and insert structure based on your understanding of the
document and supports the following structure types.
- Headers and Footers
- Tables
- Lists
- Sections
- Artifacts
In addition it also shows how to use the tags in a PDF document
to detect and change content within it. This includes some code
relevant to eSignLive signatures.
Usefully it provides a method of extracting the tagged structure
of any PDF document to an HTML-like format you can easily
AdvancedGraphics Example Project
This project shows how to use ABCpdf to write PDF drawing
operators and content streams.
Writing drawing operators to a content stream represents a lower
level approach than the standard ABCpdf APIs. It provides a
sophisticated level of control but it is rather more complicated to
It is probably more appropriate for more drawing based routines
where you need paths, clips, fills, shades and blends. It is
probably less appropriate for text which can be very complex when
presented at a low level.
For more details see the project or the Advanced Graphics Example section in
this documentation.
Annotations Example Project
This shows how to use ABCpdf to create form fields and document
Form fields are similar to HTML fields and encompass similar
structures such as text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, list
boxes, signatures and push buttons.
Annotations are interactive in the same way as form fields but
they do not hold a value to be submitted. There are a very wide
variety of annotations you can create and these include stamps,
notes, highlights, lines, arrows, rectangles and 3D scenes.
In particular this project shows how to create electronic
signatures, how to sign them programmatically, how to check the
validity of any signed signatures and how to use incremental
updates to allow successive signings by a chain of people.
For more details see the project or the Fields, Markup and Movies Example section
in this documentation.

Annotations.pdf - page 1

Annotations.pdf - page 2
PDFSurgeon Example Project
The name of this project may be somewhat uninspiring, but it is
a wonderful tool which allows you to view and manipulate the
content of PDF documents.
So rather than an example project, this is more of a utility.
You have the source so it is easy to adapt to your needs, however
for most requirements it should be fine as-is.
This utility allows you to open a PDF and see the individual
objects within it. It has a search function so you can search for
all objects matching a particular structure or perhaps referencing
another specific object. You can edit objects and then resave the
Indeed you can even decompress and edit a content stream for a
particular page and see the changes to the rendered appearance in
real time. As you type into the content stream, the rendered page
For getting to know how PDF documents and content streams work,
this is an invaluable tool.

Screenshot of PDFSurgeon
FontUnembedment Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to un-embed and re-embed
There is a certain amount of overlap between this project and
existing classes within ABCpdf. For example the ReduceSizeOperation
class provides a simple way to un-embed fonts, while the FontObject class
provides methods for embedding, un-embedding and subsetting
However the FontUnembedment project provides more careful
control over the process and may be preferable where this is
GlobalSign Example Project
The GlobalSign example project shows how to sign and validate
PDF digital signatures using the GlobalSign cloud signing
For a good backgrounder on PDF signatures see the web page
Digital Signatures in C# – The Definitive Guide.
GetColors Example Project
This project shows how to find the colors used in a
One has to be a little careful about this concept - these things
are not as straightforward as they might appear.
For example in a shading pattern there may be only two colors
but of course a shade involves a variety of colors between these
two points. Similarly an image may contain only two colors but the
process of resizing it for display at a particular resolution may
result in the creation of additional intermediate colors. Indeed
the particular intermediate colors used may vary dependent on the
Likewise a page may reference a particular color, but for a
variety of reasons, that color may not be displayed. For example it
might be part of an object which is clipped, or it might be
obscured by another item that is drawn a bit later, or it might be
referenced but never actually used in an object.
However, with those caveats, it is sometimes useful to be able
to count and retrieve the colors that are referenced. This project
shows how this can be done. It reads the document pages and keeps
track of the colors and color spaces that are referenced in the
content stream. Finally it displays the answer.
In addition to being useful for counting colors, this project
also provides a good example of how the OpAtom and ContentStreamOperation
classes can be used to analyze a page content stream and graphic
state. So if you are wanting to do low level analysis of page
content, this is a good place to start.
HTMLTables Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to create PDF tables based
on an HTML type input.
There is a certain amount of overlap between this project, the
WPFTables and the PDFTable Example project. All do similar things
in slightly different ways.
This project is based on HTML style input rather than
programmatic control or WPF.
OCGLayers Example Project
The term OCG refers to Optional Content Groups. These are what
most people would conceptualize as visible layers (not to be
confused with the Doc.Layer
OCGs allow you to specify content that may be visible or
invisible. As a user, you can see the names of the OCGs that exist
and you can turn them on or off to see or hide the respective
It is a mistake to think of OCGs as pure layers, as the rules
associated with them can be quite sophisticated. Each content item
on the page may be associated with one or more nested visibility
groups and it is only if all these groups are visible that the
content item is visible. While visibility groups are often OCGs
they can also be Optional Content Membership Dictionaries (OCMD
items) - a construct that determines visibility from a set of OCGs
using a set of custom written rules. So visibility can be complex
and items with visibility may be interleaved rather than
conceptually part of a simple contiguous layer.
That said, it is quite common for simple OCG setups to mimic
simple contiguous layers as this is what most people require.
This project shows how to create content with visibility
determined using OCGs. It also includes more complex examples
detailing the use of nested OCGs and OCMDs.
As well as creating layers it also shows shows how to turn OCGs
on and off, annotate the items on a page based on the OCGs that
they belong to and how to redact and delete invisible items,
removing any associated OCGs.
PDFEnterpriseServices Example Project
Normally when you use ABCpdf, it operates in process as part of
your application.
In some situations it may be useful have it operate out of
process. This provides a number of benefits.
- It allows your code to run in a completely different process
from your web code thus isolating the two.
- It allows you complete control over the user which your code
runs as without impacting the security of your web code. All you do
is change the user using the Component Services Administration
- Because your web code and your ABCpdf code are operating in
different address spaces there is more free space in each
- You can tell your component package to shut itself down when
it's not being used.
The simplest way to do this is to use the .NET Enterprise
Services structures. These have gone through a variety of
iterations - MFC, COM+ and currently .NET Enterprise Services. The
names themselves are a bit of a misnomer. For example COM+ is not
really COM plus something extra. COM is a way of calling functions
in a DLL while COM+ is an architecture which can be used to host
application services - two completely different things. Similarly
.NET Enterprise Services is not entirely .NET as it relies on COM
concepts for implementation.
A lot of what you can read on the internet states that .NET
Enterprise Services is legacy. There is some truth in this as the
architecture is based around technologies created many years ago.
However the reality is that these technologies are still very much
in use because the .NET equivalents are not that wonderful. The
closest that exists is probably Windows Communication Foundation
(WCF) but this is vastly complicated and difficult to control;
cryptic config files and do-or-die options. The .NET Enterprise
Services equivalent involves opening up the Component Services
control panel, checking a few boxes and then watch the cabbages
(your objects) spin. A bit of legacy yes, but also a whole lot of
The PDFEnterpriseServices example project under the ABCpdf .NET
menu item shows you how to set up a .NET Enterprise Services
Component for converting HTML into PDF. This is relevant only for
the MSHTML engine as both the ABCGecko and ABCChrome engines
already operate out of process.
PDFTable Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to create PDF tables based
on programmatic control.
There is a certain amount of overlap between this project, the
WPFTables and the HTMLTables Example project. All do similar things
in slightly different ways.
This project is based on programmatic control rather than HTML
style input or WPF.
You can read more about how to use this project in the Small Table Example and Large Table Example sections of this
Print Example Project
This project demonstrates our preferred method of printing
documents using ABCpdf under .NET.
There are a variety of ways that printing can be implemented
under .NET. For example:
- Via the Windows Printing APIs
- Via the .NET Printing APIs
- Via XPS
In addition some printers may support direct printing of certain
formats. For example,
- PostScript
- Printer Control Language (PCL)
Our experience is that the Printing APIs provide the most
reliable route. However we also find that there can be a
significant overhead using the .NET APIs as opposed to the native
ones. This seems to be printer dependent but can change the speed
by an order of magnitude.
As such we feel that the fastest and most reliable printing
method is via the Windows Printing APIs. However if you prefer to
use the .NET Printing APIs you can find example code in the
ABCpdfView example project.
Redaction Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to redact or delete text and
images from a document.
The code uses a variety of criteria to determine the items to be
redacted. The most obvious one is an area of interest. As such, we
have examples showing how to redact text or images in a particular
area on a page.
However other criteria are also possible. Other examples show
delete specific words from a document or how to select and delete
text based on text font and styling.
ReferenceXObject Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to convert images to
Reference XObjects.
In most cases a PDF document contains the images it wants to
display. That way you have one package - the PDF document - which
contains everything it needs.
However sometimes it can be advantageous to hold images
externally, much like as happens in HTML. This way you can swap one
image out for another and you keep the base template document the
This project shows how to take a PDF document and convert it
into a base template referencing separate external image
SwfExport Example Project
Flash (SWF) export can be both simple or sophisticated based on
your needs.
At the simplest all you need to do is Doc.Save your document as
However the SWF content really needs to exist in the context of
a controller. This example shows how you can use your own template
to provide navigation and information functions.
It shows how to wrap the output in a package which might look
like a book or a brochure or perhaps a slide show.
TaggedPDF Example Project
PDF documents can contain tags to indicate semantic
This example shows how to create tagged documents using a low
level approach.
It takes content specified as XML and converts it to content and
associated tags.
ValidatePDF Example Project
The Elements namespace allows structured access to the PDF
Objects that exist.
As part of this structure it is possible to validate each of the
objects in a document to ensure that they conform to the PDF
The validation covers the properties that each object may
contain, the values that each property may take and the version of
the PDF specification that is required for these properties to be
This project shows how to use the Elements namespace to validate
documents and report any information or irregularities.
Viewer3D Example Project
The Viewer3D project contains a control for interactive viewing
of 3D objects in PDF documents.
It supports the PDF 3D standards - U3D and PRC. So by extracting
this information from your documents you can then view your 3D
This project includes the 3D control inside an application
wrapper so you can easily see what it can do.
WebPageSnapshot Example Project
One of the most common operations that people want to perform is
to take a PDF snapshot of the current page.
However this can be more complicated than one might imagine in
the case of a personalized page. The page your user is seeing
exists only for them. ABCpdf may know the URL of the page but it
lives on the server and it is not your client - it has its own
page. You can attempt to mimic the client by copying cookies or
security tokens but this is fraught with difficulty as it may look
like some kind of spoofing attempt. Just because you know the
operation is valid does not mean your server will think it is.
This project demonstrates how to use an alternative and more
robust approach to creating such a page snapshot. It intercepts the
HTML which was passed to the client and then treats that as a
separate page. It is simple and fast and it is good for situations
involving authentication and security. It makes use of privileges
it already has by virtue of being on the server, rather than trying
to obtain privileges by impersonating the client.
WPFTable Example Project
The project detailed here shows how to create PDF tables based
on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) content.
There is a certain amount of overlap between this project, the
PDFTables and the HTMLTables Example project. All do similar things
in slightly different ways.
This project is based on WPF structure rather than programmatic
control or HTML style input. The WPF structure that exists is
halfway between the type of layout control you get in HTML and the
control you get in a more graphics oriented API like
System.Drawing. It is sophisticated enough for document layout but
with more complicated document layout structures you start to run
into areas in which the structure constrains rather than
You can read more about this and how to use this project in the
WPF Tables Example section of this
ABCpdf Example Web Site
The example ASP.NET web site is the same one we use for our
online demonstration.
It allows you to create and edit a document using a simple
online system. You can do things like upload images, add text and
graphics and render and download the finished PDF.
The user interface is not sophisticated as the aim is to expose
ABCpdf code rather than confuse things with complicated JavaScript.
So the simplicity of the interface belies the sophistication of the
underlying ABCpdf functionality.
Because the site is intended for live use, it is not totally
self contained and may require some of our other components.