A class for converting Atoms to different types while resolving any references.



Converter Create an Atom converter for a particular ObjectSoup.
ToBool Attempts to get a boolean from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToInt32 Attempts to get an int from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToDouble Attempts to get a double from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToString Attempts to get a string from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToName Attempts to get a name from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToIndirectObject Attempts to get an IndirectObject from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.
ToInt32Array Attempts to convert an ArrayAtom into an array of ints, resolving any references as necessary.
ToDoubleArray Attempts to convert an ArrayAtom into an array of doubles, resolving any references as necessary.
ToStringArray Attempts to convert an ArrayAtom into an array of strings, resolving any references as necessary.
ToNameArray Attempts to convert an ArrayAtom into an array of names, resolving any references as necessary.
ToInt32Dictionary Attempts to convert a DictAtom into a Dictionary of ints, resolving any references as necessary.
ToDoubleDictionary Attempts to convert a DictAtom into a Dictionary of doubles, resolving any references as necessary.
ToStringDictionary Attempts to convert a DictAtom into a Dictionary of strings, resolving any references as necessary.
ToNameDictionary Attempts to convert a DictAtom into a Dictionary of names, resolving any references as necessary.


Soup The ObjectSoup used by this converter.