Attempts to get a string from the specified entry in a DictAtom or ArrayAtom resolving any references as necessary.




virtual string ToString(Atom atom, int index)
virtual string ToString(Atom atom, string key)
virtual string ToString(Atom atom)

[Visual Basic]
Overridable Function ToString(atom As Atom, index As int) As string
Overridable Function ToString(atom As Atom, key As string) As string
Overridable Function ToString(atom As Atom) As string



Name Description
atom The DictAtom or ArrayAtom from which to obtain the value.
index The zero based index from which the value should be obtained.
key The key identifying the entry to be obtained.
return The value.




Attempts to get a string from the specified atom resolving any references as necessary.

If the simple overload is used then the atom provided must resolve to a value of the correct type. If not then the return value will be null.

If a key is provided then the atom must resolve to a DictAtom and the entry in the DictAtom must resolve to a value of the correct type. If this is not the case or the key is null, then the return value will be null.

If an index is provided then the atom must resolve to an ArrayAtom and the indexed entry in the ArrayAtom must resolve to a value of the correct type. If this is not the case or if the index is not available, then the return value will be null.


