TaskGarden .NET™
TaskGarden is a multi-process architecture. It takes threading and translates it into processes.
It helps you to solve permission problems, make your product more scalable, eliminate 32/64 bit issues, and increase the stability of your application. Find out more...
Think of it as a less complicated version of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). TaskGarden is lightweight, functional and portable. It focuses on getting things done rather than on complex architectures.
ABCDrawHTML lets you turn web pages into images. It uses a resolution independent format so you always get top quality results. Find out more...
ABCCrypto™ 2.0
ABCCrypto is a component for encrypting and decrypting data. It's incredibly simple to use and works with virtually any format you'll ever come across. You can encrypt or decrypt variants, BLOB data or files. Find out more...
ABCEventLog™ 1.0
Adding events to the Application Event Log is as simple as ABC with ABCEventLog. The only component to support multiple event types, event sources and both local and remote event logging. That's right - log events on your database server from your web server! It's free so why not download now...
ABCEventLog is a free product. The only condition - if you use it as a free product - is that you provide an endorsement. The endorsement can be on any website you control - it doesn't have to be on the site you are developing. Why not put the endorsement in now just so you don't forget?
MetaFiler™ 2.0
How often have you wanted to store information about a file but had nowhere to put it? A caption for a picture, an original creation name for a document or a thumbnail JPEG for a large TIFF. Your options are to save multiple files or to store the filename and related information in a table in a database. This type of solution is fragile because the link between pieces is easily broken.
Now you can easily create file metadata and store it with the file. The information moves with the file and independent of the file name so you never need to worry about losing or mislaying it. It's invisible, blindingly fast and you can store any kind of information - text, images, binary data, XML - anything! How does it work...
ImageEffects™ 1.8 for ImageGlue 6.0
ImageEffects lets you apply visual effects to images. It is designed specifically for web server use which means it is both multithreaded and exceptionally fast. We use a set of custom built libraries, each targeted at a specific processor, to ensure that your code runs the very fastest possible.
ImageEffects has been engineered to mesh perfectly with ImageGlue 6.0. However you don't have to be using ImageGlue to take advantage of ImageEffects. As long as your ASP imaging component allows access to an HDC or HBITMAP you can use ImageEffects. Find out more...