Other File Types. This method supports the import of a
range of other file types as standard.
For the import of doc and docx formats we recommend the use of
WordGlue wherever
possible. This eliminates the installation and configuration issues
which can be associated with other doc import applications.
If OpenOffice.org is installed you
can pass this method a file path to OpenOffice.org compatible
documents. This means you can read file types like Microsoft Word
(.doc, .docx), Microsoft Excel (.xls, xlsx), Rich Text Format
(.rtf), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), WordPerfect (.wpd), Lotus 1-2-3
(.wk1) and AutoCAD (.dxf).
If both Microsoft Office and .NET 3.5 are installed you can
pass this method a path to any Microsoft Office compatible
document. By default the Microsoft Office import operation works
direct but it can also work via the XPS printer driver if you
explicitly specify that the XpsAny read module be used. ABCpdf
works with Office 2007 or later.
Rich Text Format (.rtf) documents are automatically imported
using the nativeABCpdf Rich Text Format read module. This is
generally the simplest, fastest and most reliable import method.
However if you have specific needs you can also import them using
the OpenOffice.org or Microsoft Office XReadOptiions.ReadModules.
You can pass this method a file path to an SVG or SVGZ document
for conversion to PDF. ABCpdf supports a subset of SVG based around
the SVG Tiny specification. For details see the SVG Support section of
the documentation. You can also pass a file path to an XPS, OXPS or
EPS document for conversion to PDF.
You can use a path to an image type such as JPEG or TIFF. ABCpdf
will import multi-page images as multi-page documents. The image
types supported are, broadly, those supported by the XImage
If you have a stream or data rather than a file path then you
will need to specify an options parameter. This is necessary
because in the case of data ABCpdf does not have a file extension
from which it can automatically decide the type of module to use.
As a result it regards all data as PDF unless told otherwise.
Full control over the import process can be implemented by
specifying an options parameter. Reading a document without
specifying an options parameter is functionally the same as reading
a document using a default XReadOptions object.