Represents a world space transform. When first created the object defaults to the identity - no transformation.

A world space transform is not same an object transform. You are changing the coordinate system - not the objects you're inserting.


Implements: IDisposable, IEquatable<XTransform>, IComparable<XTransform>


Method Description
XTransform XTransform Constructor.
Invert Invert the transform.
Equals Determines if two transforms are effectively the same.
Magnify Scale about a locked anchor point.
PreMultiply Pre-multiplies this transformation matrix by the supplied transform.
PostMultiply Post-multiplies this transformation matrix by the supplied transform.
Reset Reset to the identity.
Rotate Rotate about a locked anchor point (angle in degrees).
Skew Skew horizontally and vertically about a locked anchor point.
SetTransform Set the transform.
ToString Returns a string representation of the object.
TransformPoint Applies this transform to a specified point.
TransformPoints Applies this transform to a specified array of points.
Translate Translate horizontally and vertically.
GetHashCode A hash code for the XTransform.


Property Description
String The transform as a string.
AngleUnit The angle unit, degrees or radians.
Elements The transform as an array of floating-point values.
Matrix The transform as a System.Drawing.Drawing2D Matrix.
MediaMatrix The transform as a System.Windows.Media Matrix.
OffsetX The x translation.
OffsetY The y translation.