Type Default Read Only Description

[Visual Basic]
10 No The current text size.




The line height for drawing text.

This property determines the size of text that is added to the document using the AddText and AddTextStyled methods.

The font size is measured in the current Units.

You should prefer use of the XTextStyle.Size property, to which the FontSize property is simply an integer accessor. Assigning a value to the FontSize is exactly equivalent to assigning it to the XTextStyle.Size. Getting a value from this property is exactly equivalent to the following.


int n = (int)(doc.TextStyle.Size + 0.5);




The following example adds two blocks of styled text to a document. The first block is in 96 point type and the second is in 192 point type.


using (Doc doc = new Doc()) {   doc.FontSize = 96;   doc.AddText("Small ");   doc.FontSize = 192;   doc.AddText("Big");   doc.Save(Server.MapPath("docfontsize.pdf")); }
